I improved the Nasdaq system based on feedback that the turnover is too high and that is has only 10 Stocks.
Will post the following book regulary:
Long Strat (less turnover and 20 instead of 10 stocks!):
The above is my best 20 Stock high cap system I was ever able to build.
Positions of long strat:
Short Strat (with positions, right now 3!).
Here the book with calculated positions based on a 100k portfolio:
Here the back test capital curve of the book of the last 10 Years:
The outperformance of late is due to the fact that the SP500 and the Nasdaq100 did great but below the surface there was a big stealth crash (just look at ARKK names and high beta China based ADRs.). The short strategy was able to find a ton of stocks above 100 Billion market capitalization and negative earnings developments outside of the SP500 (that is not always the case, the strategy got a bit lucky here). Chinas crack-down on their own tech names “helped” the short system too.
The strategy will only work in the future, if the US Market will outperform the rest of the world, because the short strategy only picks stocks outside of the SP500 and very often ADRs that come from outside of the US. Worst case would be an outperformance of ADRs and the Nasdaq100 tanking. But my bet is an ongoing (stock market performance) dominance of the US, the trend is your friend and there are a ton of reasons for it (do not get me started on my long-term bull case for the US!). In short: I am a US Bull, especially in crisis, so let’s see!
As always this is no investment advice, please do your own DD.