O.k., first sorry for my not good reading of the tape the last 4 weeks, I was too cautious. I was long about 80% all the way and had 3 hedge attempts which cost me about 2%. Not too bad. I am up about 8% YTD.
But: a good friend of me is up 40% in January trading earnings pivots. I told him to keep taking the EPs as long as he sees traction in his profit / loss. Good EPs work in a challenged tape, he did, and I am very happy for him. Also, we had a discussion with 1/5/2024 when I called a constructive Quad3, he was also cautious, I told him to stay engaged as long he sees traction (his cap curve going up) in his EP Trading (again good EPs do not need a perfect market).
That was the right call, but still, I (!) was too cautious and too scared.
We are in a Quad 1-2!
Here is what I got wrong:
The dollar:
Yes, it is strong, BUT (and that I got wrong): relative strength is pointing down, so it is not a problem!
I was too scared of breadth:
I reread “How to make money in stocks” and O’Neil pointed out that breadth can be weak(er) in a bull market (for example 99!). As long (growth, e.g. higher beta) leaders are strong that is not a problem. And leaders have been strong the whole way. So, there is that learning.
If Advance-Decline is showing a bad relative strength (red line pointing down) reading the market is in good shape, because it means higher beta is strong. I should have looked harder.
So, yes, I stayed long 80% but this was a tape to press (130% long) not to be 80% long.
It is simply important (for traders) to press when there is a tape that fits, otherwise you cut out the right tail of the distribution.
The tape for next week:
Quad 1-2
Higher beta mid cap and big cap tech is leading
Earnings Pivot Breakouts are strong and can be played, same with momentum breakouts
The place to play breakouts are mid and big caps
Small cap value momentum strategies are hanging in there, no reason to hedge them now
Strategically: Liquidity is up, Inflation is down. I expect a bullish 2024 and longer term a bullish 2025. We just had a bear market, the market is up 5% above the last high in December 2021, no reason to think this is a bear market rally.
How I will play this market: I stay long 80% my small cap value momentum with my earnings tilt strategy book. And I will take breakouts. (going to 100-130% if (!) I see traction of my breakout trading).
I finally found my setup for momentum continuances and breakouts (that trade I took).
Above: Relative strength crossing above the upper keltner channel (based on relative strength not price). Price close to the 8 MA + a leading theme / industry group.
+ Pressing (8% positions) when the advance-decline (lower chart) is at support (I saw that pattern but did not take it, I was still in R&D).
Here are the chart templates:
Backtest the Advance-Decline pattern yourself, it is faster than the Quads but can give interesting early signals (in combination with the cross over pattern on ETFs and stocks and re-entry points in a longer term Quad1-2!!! It is worth gold!
Here is an example:
The signal came two days before the quads changed bullish on 11/3/2023. If I am taking an early trade like this it is important to see higher lows and higher highs on the relative strength line of the stock or ETF (red line, above-above chart) while the Advance-decline line gives a buy signal (red line below 8 MA).
All the best and best regards.
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The information from Andreas Himmelreich / QuantStrike and this video / blog is based on generally available and paid information and, although obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy and completeness cannot be assured, and such information may be incomplete or condensed. All performance results are hypothetical and the result of back testing only. Out-of-sample performance may be different. No claim is made about future performance.
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