Quad 1-2, very healthy
Well, that is getting boring, 6 weeks of bullish tape in row ;-)
We got lucky with the Quad 1-2 call on 11/3/23!
Pullback? Possible, but that could have been said three weeks ago too. Network momentum (e.g. the Quads) is a trend following strategy week by week, so it needs a pullback to see if Quad 1-2 holds in the pullback or if it turns to the dark side (Quad 3-4). No way around it, so we have to be able to give up some of your returns until we find out. We are embracing that, if we would not, we cannot ride the bull!
We still got a Quad 1-2 —>
I does not matter where you look, breadth is good:
Quad 3 Exposures are weak (besides Coal and $URA):
Quad 4 exposures are weak too (besides $TLT):
On the strategic level:
Liquidity is up + liquidity drainers are weak (Oil & Dollar) —> tailwind for markets
Positioning is neutral and not at extremes. Lot of traders got a foot out of the door. A ton of people question the rally and that is bullish!
Inflation (see truflation.com) is hanging in there, lower than the FED rates, so at the least further rate hikes are out the window, if this goes on the FED has to lower rates next year (June?)
Bitcoin —> Jason Shapiro “I argue this is bullish” | “path much harder than direction” —>
CANSLIM / Breakout trading —> working, those guys have a blast!
Small cap value momentum with an earnings tilt: totally fine —>
Shorting parabolic small caps: I would pause that strategy, feedback on twitter is, that those traders having a hard time, though some still make money…
No touch: everything out of Quad 3 (Energy) and 4 (Gold, TLT etc.)
Long Duration High Beta ARKK names —> strong, very strong!
All right, the call for next week is Quad 1-2.
All the best and best regards.
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