The following is a model, that did not have a sell singal since Feb-March 2020.
It made a lower low and it does even not blink (up) when the market is up hard on a day.
Not good, not good at all. Liquidity is draining in this market, no marginal buyers left, hedgefunds happy to short since shorts start to work really well.
Be the hell carefull. Rais tons of cash (I am at 90% as of yesterday!).
I am looking for a bounce and play the short side from here on.
Not with much captital since my short models are fairly new, but I think we are heading south!
Short Systems are start to work big time (hedge fund love that and expand into that market regime).
Reduce risk as hard as possible!
Get a sub at, I can not state it more, Darius reduced in time, he was spot on again.
Good luck!