Reference small cap system value momentum:
Energy small cap system, small dip:
Lower churn small cap value momentum: ATH!
My port since 09/20 (my Performance differs, even 35k+ better, since I leveraged and had some disc. stocks on:
I am beating up myself, because I did not buy BBQ when my systems said so and I did not sell $GDP as it said so. And the uranium trade going bloody nowhere, gee!
Trading is hard, I am beating the hell out of the market, outperform my own systems and have one down day (-1% from ATH) and I fell more then terrible because of 1 bad day + the intraday volatility of the SPY, QQQ and IWM.
Trader friends left and right loosing into that DD, I hate when that happens.
Small Cap outperformance?
Thats prob. why:
I am not sure, if we are on to something. But I have not seen this kind of small cap outperformance since 2000-2003 (yes, they went up hard!) and 2003 - 2006 (yes, they went up even harder!). Lets see if it holds up. Day by day, here and now!
Bottom line is, as hard as I look finding reasons to pull out, but I can not find them.
Yes we have a rotation into cycs, yes we have a dept limit discussion, yes big cap earnings are slowing, yes we are in a slowing GDP and inflation environment coming in 2022.
But I see very, very strong pockets in my small cap systems. That is the tape here and now! So as hard as it is, I have to stay long.
I wish you all the best in the world! Happy trading!