Some housekeeping: All posts are free for now. I you want to support me, subscribe as paying subscriber (THANK YOU!!!).
This stuff (Quads and related strategies) needs more out of sample time, in a year or three or so I might close the blog for nonpaying subscribers (not sure yet), but no hurry now.
I decided against to market small cap value momentum strategies, they simply do not scale, and I need the liquidity for myself ;-).
If you want to trade small cap value momentum stuff, I recommend portfolio123.com.
Start with the following model and develop from there.
Hedged version (25% TWM in it!)
Instead, I will add ETF Portfolios with a mix of major stocks that fit to the quad calls of this blog.
If you want to trade breakout stocks, I recommend ttps://twitter.com/howtoswingtrade (their tape reading is great, if you got them, you can unsubscribe me :-)).
I am writing this blog before market open.
Futures are up around 0.4%.
Still Quad 3 (I expect no change today!).
But: Quad 4 is absolutely nowhere to be seen and the SPY just had a 7-8% drawdown. That is o.k. constructive (therefore the “*” at the 3 in above shot).
TLT, GLD, XLU, XLP got hit very hard in that pullback, they do not show relative strength, so no danger of Quad 4!
And: this is a pure interest rates scare —>
And as you can see above, the market is showing some strength here, we have higher interest rates now, than at the bottom last year.
The above portfolio has Quad2 and Quad 3 exposures, which is a reasonable choice at this jucture (all equally weighted!) —>
CANSLIM: mostly cash, some traders try pilot longs
5% tactical SVIX position for high risk takers here ;-)
No touch (do not long it!): GLD, TLT, XLU, XLP
Mix of Quad 2 and 3 ETF Exposures are fine (see above)
Small cap value momentum with a hedge (short IWM) is fine too (hedged small cap value momentum = Quad 3!!!).
Again, week by week, quads can change fast, so we stay flexible.
All right, have a great weekend!
All the best and best regards.
The information on from Andreas Himmelreich / QuantStrike and this video / blog is for information and discussion purposes only. It does not constitute a recommendation to purchase or sell any financial instruments or other products. Investment decisions should not be made with this video / blog, and one should consider the investment objectives or financial situation of any person or institution.
Investors should obtain advice based on their own individual circumstances from their own tax, financial, legal and other advisers about the risks and merits of any transaction before making an investment decision, and only make such decisions based on the investor’s own objectives, experience, and resources.
The information from Andreas Himmelreich / QuantStrike and this video / blog is based on generally available and paid information and, although obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy and completeness cannot be assured, and such information may be incomplete or condensed. All performance results are hypothetical and the result of back testing only. Out-of-sample performance may be different. No claim is made about future performance.
Investments in financial instruments or other products carry significant risk, including the possible total loss of the principal amount invested. Andreas Himmelreich / QuantStrike and this video / blog do not purport to identify all the risks or material considerations which may be associated with entering any transaction. Andreas Himmelreich / QuantStrike and this video / blog accepts no liability for any loss (whether direct, indirect or consequential) that may arise from any use of the information contained in or derived from Andreas Himmelreich / QuantStrike and this video / blog.