The call for next week is Quad 1-2, bullish
Gee, all that drama!
So here is how my last 2 Trading weeks went. Two weeks ago, on Friday I still called a bullish Quad 1-2. On the following Monday I corrected to a Quad 3 and got short on individual stocks.
I lifted those shorts last Friday around the open (see my post on Twitter), re-shorted again on this Wednesday (SQQQ) and covered all my shorts today mid-day (SQQQ —> -4% trade but the position was small, about 6% of the account).
I was short META the day before earnings (around the open) but covered before the earnings event. And yes, that was the right call (even it tanked 20% after hours) because Meta has a good fundamental ranking, and those stocks have a positive expectancy into earnings:
Trading is not gambling!
All in all, the hedges did dampen the volatility, but were basically a nothing burger in terms of profit.
Based on the Quad calls the hedges are under water but did not kill us completely.
Quads = Trend following, you catch the big trends, but the wiggles are a ton of work, sometimes for nothing. And: Hedging is hard.
The much better trades were long trades: PDD and VRT —>
Strong opinions weekly held. We tanked, small cap value momentum hold up well and now Tech stepped up, so no reason to be not long here.
I am long 90% my small cap value momentum book and will play my hourly breakout momentum setups as long as the Quad 1-2 holds (still holding PDD).
Have a great weekend, garden work is waiting for me ;-)
All the best and best regards
P.S.: I still think AI will pop, but it does not pop in a Quad 1-2! And yes, I was bloody wrong!
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