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I will post around 1 time a week, sometimes more.

Why subscribe? Market Timing!

Timing the market via network momentum, aka the Quads! Network momentum front runs macro data, all (almost ;-)) you need is the tape of good trending factors (High Beta, relative strength, size and long-term reversals!) to see “Risk on” and “Risk off” market regimes. / AI Quant Investing!

I time my small cap value momentum strategy book, but we can also use the Quads for a series of strategies (CANSLIM, ETF long / short etc.).
Also I post regularly about

Clear Philosophy (start with an economic or behavioral assumption that makes sense!) what "edge" (based on the finding of academic papers --> new papers, it takes up to 5 years until Quants pick new stuff up!) A single strategy will capture and clear design rules, that avoids overfitting and strives for causation not for correlation (correlation change!) + captures nonlinearity (so avoiding everything that has a linear assumption of the data is a good idea). The creativity of this process is how to express the edges via a combination of Factors per Meta Factor (Value, Momentum (Price and Fundamental Momentum on Stocks and Industries), Mean Reversion (Price / Fundamentals), Quality, Low Volatility, Low Volume & Size, Long Term Reversals, Quality, PEAD, Post Press release Drift (Actuals Data!), etc.).

Design Rules:
Ranking System: Understand it has no assumption about the non-linearity of the data (which is good) and therefore can capture right fat tails. Buy and Sell Rules outside Rank based --> use sparsely

Combine Strategies in a Strategy Book (would not try to time different Factors, use Strategy Diversification!)

Point in Time Data, strong Data Providers

Fun people to work with :-)


The information on from Andreas Himmelreich / QuantStrike and this video / blog is for information and discussion purposes only. It does not constitute a recommendation to purchase or sell any financial instruments or other products. Investment decisions should not be made with this video / blog, and one should consider the investment objectives or financial situation of any person or institution.

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The information from Andreas Himmelreich / QuantStrike and this video / blog is based on generally available and paid information and, although obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy and completeness cannot be assured, and such information may be incomplete or condensed. All performance results are hypothetical and the result of back testing only. Out-of-sample performance may be different. No claim is made about future performance.

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CEO of QuantStrike GmbH (Germany)